Desktop App (Mac & Windows)

Un-offical desktop app for WIN & MAC (x64)

This project is maintained by jeremyrajan Unoffical Desktop App (Win & Mac x64)

I use quite a lot for work and family. Its a pretty light weight client and simple setup. I always wanted a desktop client for it, so here it is :).

Visit the releases directory to download relevant binaries.


Please bear in mind that, this app was completed in couple of hours and might have better workarounds for the problem case. I am planning on porting the app into React using this boilerplate, soon. So, if you find issues and better ways, please submit an issue or PR.

What it does

  1. It loads up the website inside a webview, which then inject scripts to do some work.
  2. You can also create new channels and save them for later use.
  3. Full screen with no status bar
  4. Minor styling changes for better viewing in desktop.


  1. Clone the repo on to a local folder
  2. npm install -> download the modules
  3. npm start -> start the app in dev mode.
  4. npm run build -> release the app WIN & MAC(x64) under release folder.

There is fair amount of linting included with airbnb/base.


  1. Create an issue/PR
  2. Drop me an email